Public Days

Public Days on the Nürburgring enjoy an increasing popularity. This is the appropriate option for racers who just want to put a few laps on the track. It is quite easy to pay per round or per session. The public days are perfect for hobby riders who want to check off a point of the bucket list. It’s a very busy operation on Public Days, with up to 10,000 cars site by site on the racetrack. Furthermore, buses, motorcycles and quads are allowed to drive the route at the same time. Closures of the route are daily business due to accidents. Precisely for this reason, there are always delays and unwanted breaks. Nevertheless, it’s slightly cheaper than the Track Days and you can spontaneously decide whether you want to drive or not.

Car Rental for Tourist-Rides Nordschleife

Select this option if you want to check off your to-do list or just put a few laps on the track
You pay either per round or per session
Up to 10,000 cars a day
Decide on the same day if you would like to drive or not
Permanent and sometimes long-lasting closures of the route due to accidents
Cars, buses, motorcycles and quads are allowed on the track
Spontaneous driving
Everyone can be on the track
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